Your Journey Starts Here.
A church that exists to help you: follow Jesus, give generously, steward well, and live your faith!
Sundays are better with YOU.
Happenings @ S.E.E.D.
Serve Day 2025
Serve Day is coming up again! Last year we were able to participate in various community outreach projects and this year we are excited to do it again. Date and registration will be announced soon!
Community Garden
We are so excited about our upcoming Community Garden. At S.E.E.D. Church we are planting seeds of love, joy and peace in our community but we also want to plant seeds to nourish our community tangibly!
Game Nights
Join us for Friday Game Nights! The next date will be announced soon and we will have food, fun and healthy community!
Our Mission:
Getting people planted in Jesus.
Sundays @ 10:30am
27550 Groveland St. Roseville, MI 48066
a friendly environment
casual atmosphere
coffee & snacks
life-giving message from Pastor Dave
free gift for first time guests
No, come as you are!
Salvation. Education. Edification. Discipleship.
Our Values:
We believe God saves all who confess Jesus and believe in Him.
We equip people with knowledge concerning God.
We believe in building people up, not tearing them down.
We are not perfect, but we strive to live like Jesus.
Get Involved
Are you ready to GROW? Join a team! We would love to serve alongside you as you live out your gifts. Click below to read about our teams.
There are several ways to give at Seed Church. Click below to give online or to get more information on other ways to give!
Water Baptism.
We are so excited that you are considering being water baptized. All of Heaven is rejoicing! Click below to learn more about water baptism.
Seed Church Kids
The home of the Pods, Sprouts and Vines! Click below to learn more about our kids ministry and baby dedications.

“I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth.”
— 1 Corinthians 3:6